Technology driven insurance customer experience
Policyholders expect more than ever. Discover how successful insurance carriers are taking new approaches to transformation and see how you measure up.
ADMIN22 brings cloud, core and AI capabilities together to provide competitive edge to insurance providers and improve policy holder experiences.
For years, insurers competed on price instead of maximizing value for their customers. Today, industry disruptions have raised customer expectations and amplified the need for accelerated digital transformation. Meeting these challenges will require new capabilities that improve offerings and experiences at speed and scale. To do this, insurers will need an open-cloud architecture with AI-based process automation that is secure, compliant, and freely integrates third party data without the worries of lock-in.
Is your company on the path to digital insurance transformation? Explore how modernization in digital experiences, flexible operations, and open cloud strategies can meet your evolving business needs and satisfy consumer demands.
The digital age of customer experience
The insurance industry is using new technologies to redefine itself and establish a new roadmap to the future. A digital transformation helps change business models and the customer experience to better benefit policy holders in their daily lives.
Policyholders expect more than ever. Discover how successful insurance carriers are taking new approaches to transformation and see how you measure up.
The insurance customer experience is dynamic, with new layers of nuance added in light of the current pandemic. Insurers have always aspired to be part of their customers’ daily lives, not just an annual renewal reminder in their calendar or frantic phone call during an emergency claim. Technology is finally available for the transformative work of regular customer engagement and reimagined omnichannel experiences. Yet customer experience is only the beginning. To stand out from the crowd, successful insurance companies need to address insurer pain points in real time, becoming a companion and champion in policy holder's daily lives. To unlock new growth and build better connections and retention, the skills, processes, technology and culture of insurance must be reimagined. To truly achieve client-centricity, a comprehensive digital transformation is required to transform the insurance industry in the eyes of customers.
of insurance companies cite improved customer satisfaction as primary driver to plan and implement AI.
of customers trust their own insurer. See how to exceed customer expectations for a better customer relationship.
of customers think their insurer can be counted on to provide good service. Improve customer loyalty across all touchpoints.
Innovative insurance companies are providing a new digital user experience by blending analytics, design and development to create authentic customer interactions that generate meaningful business impact.
Modern insurance companies are automating routine customer care, delivering a better customer experience and freeing up agents to focus on priorities.
Multicloud migrations have been fragmented for some insurance companies. ADMIN22 offers consistent delivery for event management and application and infrastructure management.
Let ADMIN22 provide the information architecture for AI and digitization that meets the ever-changing needs of your enterprise and your end users.